Stitching Style into Africa's torn seams

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Yet another beautiful image of Rihhanah_ 28/10/2010

Yes we know you are thinking ‘Ag not Rihanna again.’
But just give us a chance to explain ourselves.

We have seen so many images of Rihanna but this image however caught my eye because of it’s simple composition .Here we are exposed to something different. Rihanna in this image is not defined by the clothes that she is wearing but is defined by her natural body features. Craig Mcdean’s use of lighting to form natural shadows is absolutely beautiful. The Movement that has been created in this image is genius. This just screams amazing. Rihanna’s hair, tattoos, leather gloves and skirt all contribute to producing this wonderful image. Black and white photography   was the best choice of medium, as the contours and shadows of her body are shown beautifully in a natural way. It is a great to see Rihanna in this simple look.

1 comment:

  1. Tattoo is great...lolz...

    shes not wearing much...
