Stitching Style into Africa's torn seams

Friday, April 22, 2011

Something to do this Saturday:) : Support Local Talent

DJ Jockey Nights
25 April 2011
Cappelllo Rivonia

Come and support local up and coming Djing talent.
This event promises to be a great night out  for only R50 per person.
I believe the first 50 ladies get in for free!
Check Facebook for more information

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Kanye West by Karl Lagerfeld

Kanye West....“His strength is mixing music and fashion. He has an instant instinct for what looks and sounds good. He makes everything new and different.” – Karl Lagerfeld

I had no idea that Kanye West was on the cover of VMan, came across it as I was stalking all him and his missions at Coachella. This shoot ws shot by the legandary Karl Lagerfeld who had Yeezy literally put his money where his mouth is! In the shoot, jackets by Raulph Lauren Purple Label, a tank top by Dior Homme and  pants by Balenciaga. Quite the expesive shoot.......this is where I stop. I have nothing more to say.*SHRUG*

Coachella 2011

As we all know Coachella was this past weekend,had to blog about about Kanye West At Coachella! Just watched clips of his performance and im in awe, I'm not just saying this because I have mad love for him , this is the truth!

He went crazy, performed " Lost in the World" African drums,dancers and all,"Power", "Dark Fanatcy" and " Devil in a new dress".He ended the show with a tribute to his mama....sweet right? don't we all just love a man who loves and respects his mama? something sexy to it haha.

We all know 'Ye loves fashion right?, if you took a closer look at was he was wearing and you knew anything about fashion, you would have noticed that he was wearing a CELINE number from their Spring / Summer 2011 Campaign-One word......SWAG! MY baby done did it again! Peace and LOVE!
Images from and

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Introducing Photography Sunday :Ruven Afanador

I love Sunday .The day when we have time to sit down ,relax and appreciate all the beautiful things that we have around us.It is also the day that I dedicate time  to finding interesting stuff on the Internet.
So I have decided to make every Sunday Photography Sunday.

So I introduce: Ruven Afanador’s work.

Tell me what you think?

*Have a blessed Sunday *

Saturday, April 16, 2011

ALERT:Winter Trends

I love checking out the latest trends. I am actually really excited for winter, as the key items that I have spotted are just so beautiful and elegant.

Here is a hint of what’s yet to come :

The Camel Coat
I love this colour. This would go perfectly with all your neutral tones such as your pure whites, off whites etc.I also feel that this will be the perfect touch to your LBD worn with thick woolen tights and those sexy hugging ankle boots.
It’s all about layering and keeping warm.

The Man Bag/Clutch
So I mentioned this trend in class the other day and everyone laughed. I am just waiting for Chuck Bass or Kanye West to rock this look and soon this will become a new trend among the fashionable men. It’s bringing back metrosexualism(I don’t think this word exists but that’s just the best way to describe this) in a sexy and elegant way. If a businessman had one of these leather numbers at their side, I would know that this man is here to talk real business.

The Tan Leather Bag
I feel that this trend is not going anywhere yet ,I love how a tanned brown leather bag can actually make your dull outfit exciting .I also feel that fringing will come back as it didn’t quiet kick off here in South Africa but as you notice there is more fringing in clothes so I believe the fringing in bags will slowly creep back in.

Duffle Coat
South African retailers have not yet caught on to this trend. I have no idea why causes I just simply love it. I use to have a jersey just like this when I was a child and I actually loved it. I love the functional detailing used being the wooden buttons (Have no idea what they are called) and I feel this jersey looks great with a pair of skinnies or even leggings and warm cuddly boots.

There’s just something about leather .It looks great on those who can pull it off and it brings about a feeling of sexiness. Leather is classic and I love the looks that I am seeing on featuring vintage leather shorts and skirts. When it comes to the colour I advice settling for a black, brown or a vintage brown tanned  look.

I hope I have brought about some inspiration and geared you towards the right direction to having a stunning winter wardrobe.

More trends to follow


*most pictures from and*

Friday, April 15, 2011

Main Street

Vintage court shoes

some of the goodies at Market on Main

This past Sunday I visited Market on Main a market hosted at Arts on Main gallery in CBD Johannesburg. I finally had a chance to experience this much talked about market. The weather was perfect with upbeat music playing in the background. If you love food this is the perfect place to come and fill your tummy with all these yummy foods.

Clothes? Yes there are lovely options from top South African designers (Black Coffee, Loin Cloth & Ashes, etc) to lovely vintage finds that are offered to you at a reasonable price.

Up the road from Arts on Main is a community (well a building) full of creative people. Main Street Life is a renovated building that offers contemporary studios to rent/buy. There are also two restaurants and a Bioscope.(soon to be hosting a film festival)

The different floors in the building go according to the different creative disciplines (E.g. Fashion, Design). This Sunday happened to be Main Street Life’s open day, which I was unaware of (I happened to be there by chance). Each floor had an exhibition displaying the tenants’ artworks.

Anisa Mpungwe & Robyn De Klerk Look
Main Street Life

Ethno Furniture
Main Street Life

I advice you make a trip to this lovely neighborhood.

I hope you saw my pictures (just giving you a little taste)…
